Our mission is to instill within our students the cherished spirit of Torah values and learning that have been transmitted over the generations particularly by our namesake R’ Naftali Ben Yehuda Shmuel.
By supporting worthy programs under our auspices, we believe that our work is strengthened and amplified across Klal Yisrael.
Board of Directors
Zelda Rivka Itzkowitz
Aharon Itzkowitz
Yirmiyahu Itzkowitz
Chaya Shaina Kupferstein
Yehoshua Yonah Itzkowitz
Yitzchok Yaakov Itzkowitz
Yochanan Itzkowitz
Yisroel Yoel Itzkowitz
Yosef Yedidya Itzkowitz
Rabbinical Committee
Rav Yeruchum Shain
Rav Avi Gefner